HyDriven, formerly known as Green Team Twente, aims to show the world that hydrogen is an essential part of the energy transition, by participating in the Formula Student competition. Next to building a Formula Student race car powered by hydrogen, we focus on education across generations and educational levels by visiting schools, organising workshops and more.
The main technical challenge of our team is using the relatively novel fuel cell technology to build a racing car which can compete on a level comparable to electric racing vehicles, even though this technology is, in principle, less suited for racing. This is because even though hydrogen-fuelled powertrain systems can be scaled up very efficiently weight-wise, making them suitable for trucks, cargo ships and other heavy applications, the starting weight of such a system is rather high. As such, there are not a lot of lightweight applications, like racing vehicles, using hydrogen at the moment, but we want to innovate in this area. This poses an obvious challenge, and within the Formula Student competition this is what drives our team. This challenge is new ground, which means HyDriven works on engineering problems few have worked on before.
HyDriven's main goal is to educate people about hydrogen. The climate crisis, the energy transition, and solutions like the use of battery packs have been in the public eye for some time now. However, HyDriven is convinced that these solutions alone, while crucial, are not enough. To get through the energy transition, multiple solutions need to work together, and we are sure that hydrogen is part of that puzzle. As such, we organise events and workshops and produce media to convince people to work with hydrogen, and to educate and prepare the public about the use of hydrogen. The competition we participate in is a big part of this as well, as it draws attention to hydrogen and shows its potential as an energy carrier.
Team Manager