RoboTeam Twente - BuGa Practice Matches
RoboTeam Twente - BuGa Practice Matches
Aug. 10, 2023 - Aug. 13, 2023
Mannheim, Germany
From the 11th till the 13th of August, RoboTeam Twente will be present during the 'Bundes Gartenshow' in Mannheim, Germany. During the big flower show one of our competitors, TIGERs Mannheim, has organized a practice tournament for neighbouring teams to visits.

RoboTeam Twente will be visiting this event as well with their robots. During this set of friendly matches some of our new members will be introduced to the community and we can play against some of the teams, which we have not played against during the RoboCup.

All in all it promises to be a fun and good weekend.